World breastfeeding week will be celebrated August 1st to 7th this year. Even if you're not breastfeeding, you can help those who are by encouraging and supporting their breastfeeding journey. Please support this important and lifesaving initiative. I am!
I didn't even know there was a week "celebrating" breastfeeding. I nursed both of my kids and loved every second of it. My daughter went 10 1/2 months and my son, little stinker, went cold turkey on me after six months.
I miss the feeling of knowing that I am the only one that can give them the "elixir" of life.
I wish more women would try it.
Thanks for bringing attention to the week!
I wish more women would try it too! So often I hear other moms (who aren't nursing and usually didn't even try) referring to it as a burden - I am nursing and I think it's a wonderful bonding experience between my daughter and I.
Recently I saw a button that said, "I make milk. What's your superpower?" I think that about sums up how I feel about it.
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